Category: Help & Hope for YOUth Series


Many young people struggle mightily to understand what love is and how they can find it. Many are willing to give almost anything in order to experience love, particularly from someone of the opposite sex. To many teens, love does make the world go ’round. Yet many – far too many – set themselves up for heartache, disappointment, and tragic miscalculations and mistakes because they lack a clear understanding of what love is – and what it isn’t.
A concerned youth worker, teacher, or parent can help a young man or woman understand true love by pursuing the following plan enumerated in this article.


Do You Know?
Suicide is the leading cause of death among teenagers.

According to Lancet Commission on Adolescent Health leading cause of death among youngsters aged 10-24 in our country is suicide. In fact, over the five years from 2016 to 2021, the number of student suicides in India has risen by 27%.

More importantly, perhaps, statistics alone do not convey the tragedy of teen suicide, nor its epidemic proportions. The human tragedy of promising lives lost in moment, of parents, siblings, and friends enduring unspeakable grief and sorrow, of families and communities torn apart, cannot be measured

While it is not always possible to recognize the signs of suicidal tendencies or to prevent a teen from contemplating or committing suicide, a familiarity with the causes, precipitating factors and overwhelming effects of a teen suicide can make a crucial difference.

In this article we present these insights with a helpful direction for guiding a teen with suicidal thoughts, tendencies and threats.

#suicide #suicideprevention #suicideawareness #teenmentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #india


Though the experience of grief is a natural part of life that every person must deal with at one time or another, the adolescent or preadolescent may be experiencing grief for the first time – using emotional and spiritual resources that may yet be immature and coping mechanisms that may be sorely underdeveloped.

The following measures discussed in this article, however, may help a parent, teacher, or other concerned adult to counsel a grieving youth.


Teenagers who are struggling with guilt are usually very sensitive to the possibility of being condemned or judged by others. In fact, they often expect it.

It takes great courage for them to disclose their feelings of guilt to you. They will probably not profit from your platitudes or reprimand to “stop feeling guilty.”

Nothing encourages this delicate process more than for the caring adult or parent to be genuinely understanding, accepting, and non-judgmental. This attitude reassures the young, “I am not interested in evaluating your behavior or judging your morality. I am interested in helping you to establish and accomplish your own goals.”

It may be possible, however, for the youth to confront and deal with his or her guilt by carefully and sensitively leading him or her through a course of action share in this article.


The problem many teens and preteens face are that they tend to repress their anger (particularly if their parents or religion have taught them that anger is always bad) or they have never learned how to express anger appropriately, so they express it inappropriate ways. And, of course, very few young people (or adults) have learned how to release anger when it is warranted. As a result, bitterness, rage, and anger build up until they explode in brawling, slander, or other forms of malice.


Is anxiety, the official emotion of our age?
Has stress and anxiety become a way of life for many young people?

Along with anger and guilt, anxiety and fear are major players in the lives of many teenagers. Anxiety can be defined as the experience of unrest. apprehension dread or agitation worry. It has been described as a fear in the absence of real danger, or a fear of something that is not clearly understood.


Teenager depression is difficult to identify because teens are good at ‘masking’ it; that is, they can cover it by appearing OK even when they are absolutely miserable. This is often called smiling depression. This is a front which teenager employ unconsciously. Primarily when other people are around. When depressed teenagers are alone, they let down or relax the mask somewhat. This is helpful to parents. If we are able to see our teenagers at times when they believe no one is looking at them, we may be able to identify depression.

More insights and knowledge about the problem, causes, effects and response to problem of depression among youth is made available in this article. Read and share with everyone who has a young person to care for.